Sunday, September 27, 2009

full house...

Last month after our very last IELTS class, we went to this cafe called FULL HOUSE.
I love going to all the cafes or restaurants with special themes or designs, and Full House had been one of my target. Finally I got the chance... XD

The front view of the place, kinda special...

The menu which is full of cartoons...

After flipping through the menu for dunno how long, we ended up ordering the same set. However, the food was just so-so, but the mushroom soup was not bad. The dessert I shall not comment. LOLX.

The set we ordered...

The three girls...

After our meal, we spent our time taking photos everywhere in the cafe. I think we spent about another one hour. That's GIRLS okie, don't complain.
I shall not upload too many photos in order not to give you all nightmares. >.<

The tall one and the not-so-tall wan...

The random bear bear pic...

The dining table, not ours though...

Today's special:
I have a big broad smile on my face because someone remember my favorite song (including which album which track) when we first know each other which was 7 years ago.

Stomach not well again.
~*weak me*~

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