Friday, October 2, 2009


Specially dedicated to 3 of my best frens...
(You should know who you are...)

I miss the time we used to spend together...
I miss the time you nagged me telling me this not good that not good...
I miss the time we smsed day and night just talking crap...
I miss the time you sacrificed your bed time talking to me in msn...
I miss the time you checked on me everyday to make sure I have a healthy lifestyle...
I miss the time you played with my calculator and refused to tell me how to erase...
I miss the time we threatened each other just to get what we want...
I miss the beeping sound of my phone and I know it is you who sms me...

I will miss the time when we sit in the car just plain talking and yet don't feel like going home...
I will miss the time when we tell each other that we must stop talking at Xpm and yet we never do it...
I will miss the time when we tend to spread emo-ness to each other...
I will miss the time when you were trying to convince me that life isn't hard at all...
I will miss the time when we used to take photos randomly and camwhoring...
I will miss all the nicknames you gave me even though it sounds childish...
I will miss the time when we actually trust each other so much and share all the darkest secrets...
I will miss the time you tease me and challenge me to fight back...
I will miss the time we scribble on sticky notes and stick it everywhere...
I will miss the time when we actually care for each other so much...

I miss you, you and YOU, right now.

~to be continued~

Today's special:
Sentimental? Emotional?
I think I had evolved to become a crybaby.
I cried 2 times today.

Can I not grow up?
~*little girl*~

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